On this page, you will find math resources related to the concept of understanding fractions.
These math resources are great for math centers, guided math groups, extra practice, quick assessment, homework, or distance learning.
Compare Fractions With Like Denominators
Printable Worksheets
This printable math resource reviews the concept of comparing fractions with the same denominator.
This resource includes 50 printable worksheets that review comparing fractions with like denominators.
Students will compare fractions with and without visual and pictorial models, fraction strips, fraction bars, on number lines, and in real-world word problems. This math resource can be printed in color or b/w. The answer key is also included.
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Read about 5 Ways to Compare Fractions with Same Denominators
Compare Fractions With Like Denominators
Digital Worksheets

This math resource includes 50 digital worksheets made for use with Google Slides™ or Microsoft™ Powerpoint Presentation to review the concept of comparing fractions with the same denominator. Students use click and drag and type-in text box features. This resource reviews the concept of comparing fractions with like denominators. Students will compare fractions with and without visual and pictorial models, bar models, on a number line, and in real-world word problems. The answer key is included. Shop online.
Compare Fractions With Like Denominators with a Model
Printable Task Cards

This resource contains one set of 20 printable task cards that review comparing fractions with like denominators and with models. Students compare fractions that have the same denominator with visual pictorial and bar models. This product can be printed in color or in black and white. The student recording sheet and answer key are also included. Shop online.
Compare Fractions With Like Denominators With Pictorial and Bar Models
Digital Task Cards

This math resource includes 20 digital task cards made for use with either Google Slides™ or Microsoft™ Powerpoint Presentation to review the concept of comparing fractions with like denominators. This digital resource uses click-and-drag features to compare fractions with the same denominators. Students will compare fractions with like denominators using visual pictorial and bar models. The answer key is included. Shop online.
Compare Fractions With Like Denominators on a Number Line
Digital Task Cards

This math resource includes 20 digital task cards made for use with either Google Slides™ or Microsoft™ Powerpoint Presentation to review the concept of comparing fractions with like denominators on a number line. This digital resource uses click-and-drag features to compare fractions with the same denominators with greater than or less than symbols ( < , >). Students will compare fractions with like denominators using a visual bar model on a number line. Shop online.
Compare Fractions With Unlike Denominators
Printable Worksheets

This resource includes 50 printable worksheets that review comparing fractions with unlike denominators. This resource reviews comparing fractions with different denominators. Students will compare fractions with and without visual and pictorial models, fraction strips, fraction bars, on a number line, and in real-world word problems. The answer key is also included. Shop online.
Compare Fractions With Unlike Denominators
Digital Worksheets

This math resource includes 50 digital worksheets made for use with Google Slides™ or Microsoft™ Powerpoint Presentation to review the concept of comparing fractions with different denominators. Students use click and drag and type-in text box features. This resource reviews the concept of comparing fractions with unlike denominators with and without visual models, fraction bars, on number lines, and in real-world word problems. Shop online.
Compare Fractions With Unlike Denominators
Printable Task Cards

This resource contains one set of 20 printable task cards that review comparing fractions with unlike denominators with models. Students will compare fractions that have different denominators with visual pictorial models. The student recording sheet and answer key is included. Shop online.
Compare Fractions Unlike Denominators With Pictorial and Bar Models
Digital Task Cards

This math resource includes 20 digital task cards made for use with either Google Slides™ or Microsoft™ Powerpoint Presentation to review the concept of comparing fractions with unlike denominators. This digital resource uses click-and-drag features to compare fractions with different denominators. Students will compare fractions with different denominators using visual models. The answer key is also included. Shop online.
Compare Fractions Unlike Denominators on a Number Line
Digital Task Cards

This math resource includes 20 digital task cards made for use with either Google Slides™ or Microsoft™ Powerpoint Presentation to review the concept of comparing fractions with unlike denominators on a number line. This digital resource uses click-and-drag features to compare fractions with different denominators with greater than or less than symbols ( < , >). Students will compare fractions with unlike denominators using a visual bar model on a number line. Shop online.
Thanks for reading! Karen Brown - The A Plus Teacher