5 Ways to Compare Fractions with Same Denominators
5 Ways to Compare Fractions with Same Denominators! Looking for fun and engaging ways to teach your students how to compare fractions with same denominators? I’ve got you! Here are 5 simple ways to easily teach how to compare fractions with same denominators!
Over the years of teaching, I have found it helpful to teach my students how to compare fractions with same denominators using these five simple strategies. And I want to share these 5 ways to compare fractions with same denominators with you too!
So, want to know how to easily teach how to compare fractions with same denominators?!
Then keep reading!
Soon you can easily use these 5 ways to compare fractions with common denominators with your students!

We can easily teach our students how to understand comparing fractions with the same denominators in a few simple ways. When teaching our math learners how to compare fractions with common denominators, it’s important for them to learn:
- that fraction comparison is only valid when fractions refer to the same whole
- fractions that have common denominators use same-sized wholes to compare fractions
- help students learn how to compare the number of parts
- when comparing fractions that have the same denominator, the fraction with the greater numerator has more parts
- when comparing fractions with like denominators, the fraction with the greater numerator is the greater fraction
- when comparing fractions that have the same denominator, the fraction with the smaller numerator is the smaller fraction
We can help our students learn those math fraction concepts in five simple ways!
Comparing Fractions with Fraction Tiles

First, use hands-on fraction tiles to help students learn how to compare fractions with same denominators.
Our math learners can use hands-on math manipulatives such as fraction tiles to help them better understand comparing fractions with the same denominators. Using fraction tiles or fraction circles can help our math students see a hands-on learning experience where they can visually compare fractions.
Students manipulating the fraction tiles helps them better understand the fraction comparison of equal-sized parts.
An easy way to use fraction tiles to compare fractions with like denominators is to have students rearrange the unit fractions to model each fraction being compared. This helps students have a hands-on learning experience in which they can see a visual representation fraction comparison. This helps them see that when they compare fractions with the same denominations, they compare equal-sized parts of the same-sized whole.

In need of fraction manipulatives? Here’s a link to the hands-on fraction math manipulatives my students love to use to learn how to compare fractions!
Using Models to Compare Fractions with Like Denominators

Another great way is to use models to teach how to compare fractions with the same denominator.
Using fraction bar models or area models can help our students understand that when comparing fractions with the same denominators:
- They have same sized equal parts of the same-sized whole and compare the number of parts being counted
- Using a model gives a visual example of which fraction has more or less parts.
- The fraction with the greater numerator has more parts and is greater
- Likewise, the smaller numerator has fewer parts
Students can shade and count fraction models to help them compare which is greater, less, bigger, smaller, has more, has less, etc.

Using models to compare fractions can help our students better explain as to why one fraction is greater or less than another fraction.
Looking to use fraction models to help your students learn how to compare fractions with the same denominator? Grab these comparing fraction worksheets here.
Comparing Fractions with the Same Denominator on a Number Line

Another way to help students learn how to compare fractions with the same denominator is on a number line.
Using number lines shows students that the number line 0 to 1 shows a whole divided into equal parts. Using a number line also shows the same-sized parts of the whole, fractions.
Students compare fractions with the same denominator on a number line by comparing the distance of each fraction from 0. This can give them a visual example of which fraction is greater, equal to, and which is less.
Students can compare fractions with the same denominator on a number line to see:
- the fraction farther to the right on the number line is greater than the fraction to its left
- that the fraction farther to the left on a number line is less than a fraction to its right
Using number lines for comparing fractions with like denominators can also be scaffolded too!
First, teach how to use a number line with models. Students can shade in fraction strips on a number line that includes:
- two or more fraction models for a visual example of which fraction is greater and smaller
- one fraction bar model to shade in and identify which fraction bigger

Discuss where to locate a specific fraction on a number line. Talk with students about whether other fractions with the same denominator would be to the left or the right of the fraction. This can help students better understand comparing fractions with the same denominator on a number line.
Then teach students how to compare fractions on a number line without a model.

Do you want to use these number lines to help your students learn how to compare fractions with same denominators? They are included in these comparing fractions worksheets!
Use Real World Word Problems to Compare Fractions

Another great way to help students learn how to compare fractions with like denominators is using word problems!
Our students need to make sense of fractions and compare relationships between fractions in real-world problems.
Students can use fraction comparison in real world word problems to help them develop a better understanding of fraction comparison.
Using word problems with interests related to our students can also help them better understand and solve fraction comparison problems.
Our students may need to practice using models to help solve fraction comparison problems. Using models to make a visual representation can help our students who may have difficulty solving a problem. In addition, using visuals and models can help our students visualize the fraction comparison information in the word problem.

After students understand better how to solve word problems involving comparing fractions with common denominators… then they can practice solving word problems without models and start to use reasoning skills to solve multiple-choice word problems involving fraction comparison.

Use Symbols to Compare Fractions with Like Denominators

Once students have developed the understanding that when they compare fractions with like denominators, they realize they are comparing same-sized parts. Then this makes it easier for them to understand to compare the number of parts described.
When our students have developed the understanding that to compare fractions with the same sized parts… they can focus on comparing the numerators that represent the number of parts.
Students begin to learn that they only need to compare the numerators when comparing fractions with the same denominator. Then this understanding helps our students learn how to compare fractions with the same denominator using symbols such as <, >, or =.
After students have practiced comparing fractions with common denominators using models and number lines, then they will have an easier time comparing fractions with symbols (>, <, or =).
One way is to have students practice using models and symbols for comparing fractions…

Then students can apply their understanding and compare fractions with common denominators using symbols without models…

Remember, our students need to understand the meaning of the differences between the symbols and how to use symbols to compare fractions. We can help ensure our students understand the difference between the symbols by:
- talking about these symbols
- discussing the meaning of each symbol
- practice reading each comparison aloud can help understand the difference between the symbols
Using the above strategies, our students can better apply their learning to show their understanding of using symbols to compare two fractions with like denominators.
So there you have it!
These 5 strategies can be used as a helpful way to teach comparing fractions with like denominators!
Some of our students might understand using and applying one strategy more than another. And that’s okay! In conclusion, we can help our students practice using the different ways for comparing fractions with like denominators. Our students can choose the best strategy for them.
So, don’t feel nervous the next time you teach your students how to compare fractions with common denominators! To sum up, try some of these ideas to help your math learners better understand how to compare fractions!

⭐️ So here is the link to compare fractions with the same denominators worksheets! There are 50 worksheets that use the methods described in this article! Then your students can begin using the five strategies to learn how to compare fractions with common denominators!
⭐️ Another page you may be interested in is about some Compare Fractions Math Resources!
⭐️ Lastly, to find more done for your math resources to help your students better understand fractions, visit my TpT store!
Thanks for Reading! 💟 Karen Brown – The A Plus Teacher