10 Strategies to Teach How to Multiply a Fraction by a Whole Number
Looking for fun and engaging ways to teach how to multiply a fraction by a whole number? Here are 10 strategies to teach how to multiply fractions by whole numbers!

I remember the first time I had to teach the concept of multiplying fractions by whole numbers to my fourth grade students.
At first, I felt nervous about how I would teach my students how to multiply a fraction by a whole number. I felt nervous about being able to provide different visual examples and real-world situations that my students could relate to.
Sound familiar?
Sometimes, it can be hard for a teacher to find fun and engaging math strategies to help our students better understand the math they are learning.
Now, I love to teach students how to teach how to multiply fractions by whole numbers! And I love to share the strategies that helped me feel that way with you too!
So do not give up…
Here are ten simple and effective math strategies to teach how to multiply a fraction by a whole number. Then you can help your math learners better understand the process of multiplying a fraction by a whole number.

Multiply a Fraction by a Whole Number Strategy #1: Use Hands-On Fraction Tiles
Students can use hands-on fraction tiles to learn how to multiply a fraction by a whole number. The hands-on use of the fraction tiles and the visual aspect of seeing the equal parts can help our students visualize multiplying fractions with whole numbers.
For example, use fraction tiles to show unit fractions to represent a fraction in two ways: as a sum of unit fractions and as the product of a whole number and a unit fraction.
First, students can use the fraction tiles to show a sum of unit fractions and…
- Layout each unit fraction tile to represent the fraction
- Discuss how we can add the unit fractions
- Find the sum of the unit fractions
- Count how many total unit fractions equal the represented fraction
Then, students can practice rearranging the fraction tiles to show equal groups and…
- Discuss equal groups of fractions
- Identify how many times we can add the unit fraction
- Use multiplication to show repeated addition
- Practice writing fractions as the product of a whole number and a unit fraction
At first, it’s helpful for our students to practice using fractions tiles to understand what it means to multiply unit fractions by whole numbers. Then students develop a basic understanding of how to multiply unit fractions by whole numbers. After that, they can apply this understanding by using hands-on fraction tiles to multiply fractions by whole numbers.
Using hands-on fraction tiles can help students visualize multiplying unit fractions by whole numbers. Then, they can use fraction tiles to visualize how to multiply fractions with whole numbers.

Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers Strategy #2: Count Represented Fraction Bar Models
Students can also use a fraction bar model to multiply a fraction by a whole number. Using a represented fraction bar model of the same-sized groups of fractional parts to show the multiplication of a fraction by a whole number is another way to help our math learners better understand this concept.
Our math learners can count represented fraction bar models and…
- Identify how many parts equal the whole
- Discuss how many equal-sized parts are in the fraction
- Show how we can find the sum of fractions to find the product of a whole number and a fraction
- Discuss how we can find the multiples of the fractions
- Count the total number of equal parts represented and how that shows the numerator
- Talk about how many parts are in each whole and how that shows the denominator stays the same
- Discuss how we can relate this information to multiplying fractions by whole numbers
Multiplying fractions by whole numbers using models can be a great way to help our students visualize math concepts. They can see the equal groups of the fractions represented and then see the multiplication process laid out before them.

Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers Strategy #3: Shade Fraction Bar Models
Another way students can use a model to multiply a fraction by a whole number is by shading in fraction bar models. Shading in fraction bar models to represent a fraction in equal groups helps students see the multiplication process of a fraction by a whole number.
Students can first use a blank fraction bar model to show the same-sized groups of fractional parts. Then they can shade in the fraction bar model to show how to multiply a fraction by a whole number.
Students can use the blank fraction bar models and…
- Discuss the fraction and how many parts equal one whole
- Discuss how many unit fractions equal the represented fraction
- Shade in or color in the fraction bar models to show the equal parts of each whole
- Discuss how to add, count, and find the sum of the unit fraction tiles
- Discuss how we can use the model to show the multiplication process to multiply the fraction by the whole number
Shading and counting fraction bars can help our students visualize the concept of multiplying fractions by whole numbers with models. As a result, students can see how repeated addition and multiplication of fractional parts are processed through shading and counting fraction bar tiles.
If you want the link to these worksheets click here!

Multiply a Fraction by a Whole Number Strategy #4: Count Represented Pictorial Fraction Models
Students can also use a pictorial model to multiply a fraction by a whole number. Using models when learning this concept can help our students visualize the math process when applying this understanding to equations with numbers and symbols.
Students can use pictorial models to multiply fractions with whole numbers and…
- Discuss how the model can show repeated addition to multiply a fraction by a whole number
- Discuss patterns in the pictorial models to discover the number of times each model is added to show how to multiply fractions by whole numbers
- Practice writing the multiples of fractions while using the pictorial fraction models to help develop an understanding of the meaning of what is a multiple of a fraction
- Discuss how the model represents the equation for multiplying a whole number by a fraction
Counting represented pictorial models can be a great way to help our students multiply fractions by whole numbers. Using models to multiply a fraction by a whole number can help our students see the equal groups of the fractions and relate repeated addition and multiplication.

Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers Strategy #5: Shade Pictorial Fraction Models
Another way to help students learn how to multiply a fraction by a whole number with a model is by having students shade in or color in fraction pictorial models.
Students can shade pictorial fraction models to illustrate multiplying a fraction by a whole number. Using pictorial models can help students visualize the concept of multiplying a fraction by a whole number.
Students can use pictorial models to multiply fractions and whole numbers by…
- Shading in the equal parts of each whole to represent the fraction.
- Count the total number of equal parts shaded or colored in and write the number as the numerator to express the parts shaded
- Discuss how the pictorial model can be used to show repeated addition to multiply a fraction by a whole number
- Discuss patterns in the pictorial models to discover another way to multiply a fraction by a whole number
Using pictorial models can help our students see and understand the concept of multiplying fractions and whole numbers. The visual aspect can be another helpful way our math learners see the equal groups of fractions and relate them to repeated fraction addition or fraction multiplication.

Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers Strategy #6: Use Jumps on a Number Line
Students can also learn how to multiply fractions with whole numbers using a number line.
Our math learners can use a represented number line to help identify the multiples of a fraction. Students can use a number line to help find the product of a whole number and a unit fraction. Then, they can use a number line to find the product of a whole number and a fraction.
Our math learners can first see how the jumps on a number line can show the multiples of a unit fraction and multiply by a fraction and whole numbers. Then, they can apply this knowledge to understand how drawing hops on a number line can show the multiples of fractions.
Students can use number lines to show multiples of unit fractions and…
- Discuss how a number line can be used to write multiples of a unit fraction
- Identify how the jumps or hops on a number line show equal groups and multiples of the unit fraction
- Identity what the jumps on the number line represent
- Use the number line model to show how to find the product of a whole number and a unit fraction
Are you looking to use multiples of unit fractions worksheets in your classroom? They are a part of the Multiply a Fraction by a Whole Number Worksheets.
After students develop an understanding of that, then students can use a number line to show the multiples of fractions:
Students can use number lines to show multiples of fractions and…
- Discuss the relationship between hops on a number line and the whole number
- Apply previous understanding of unit fractions and discuss how a number line can be used to write multiples of a fraction
- Identify how the jumps on a number line show equal groups and multiples of the fraction
- Use the number line model to show how to find the product of a whole number and a fraction
Using a number line model to multiply fractions can help students identify the product of a whole number and a fraction. Students can use number lines to help visualize the mathematical relationships.

Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers Strategy #7: Draw Jumps on a Number Line
Students can also draw jumps on a number line to show how to multiply fractions by whole numbers. Students can draw jumps or hops on the number line to show the equal groups of the multiples of fractions.
It’s helpful first to practice using a number line to identify the multiples of unit fractions. After students develop a general understanding of how to use a number line to find the multiples of a unit fraction, they can then apply this understanding to using a number line to find multiples of fractions.
Students can use number lines to multiply a fraction by a whole number and…
- Discuss the fractions on the number line
- Identify the multiples of unit fractions
- Discuss how to use the number line to find the multiples of fractions
- Draw jumps or draw hops on a number line that shows equal groups
- Discuss what jumps on the number line represent
- Locate where each jump ends on the number line and circle each of the multiples of fractions
- Talk about how to use a number line to identify the product of a whole number and a fraction
Drawing jumps on a number line that multiply by fractions can help students identify the product of a whole number and a fraction. Students can also use number lines to help visualize the relationships of repeated addition and multiplication.
Are you looking to use number lines in your classroom to help your math learners better understand how to multiply fractions with whole numbers? Grab them as part of the Multiply a Fraction by a Whole Number Worksheets.

Multiply a Fraction by a Whole Number Strategy #8: Sum of Fractions
Students can find the sum of unit fractions to help them find the product of a whole number and unit fraction.
Students can also find the sum of fractions to help them multiply fractions by whole numbers. First, discuss the concept of finding the sum of unit fractions. Have students practice decomposing a fraction as the sum of unit fractions.
Students can find the sum of fractions to find the product of a whole number and fractions.
- Help students connect the concept of relating repeated addition of whole numbers and multiplication to repeated addition of equal-sized parts and multiplication
- Show repeated addition of unit fractions with hands-on fraction tiles
- Discuss how to show repeated addition of fractions with visual models
- Show repeated addition of fractions with equations
- Discuss how to identify the sum of fractions
- Discuss how we can relate this repeated addition to identifying the product of a whole number and a fraction
This math strategy can help our students understand how many times they add fractions. They can relate the understanding of equal groups of fractions added to multiplying a fraction by a whole number.

Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers Strategy #9: Relate Repeated Addition of Fractions and Multiplication
This math strategy helps students connect the relationship between fraction repeated addition and fraction multiplication.
Students can see how many times they repeatedly add a unit fraction to help them make the connection between solving equations that multiply a whole number and a unit fraction. Then they can apply this connection to repeated addition of fractions and multiplication of whole numbers and fractions.
Students can understand that in the equation that multiply fractions by whole numbers and…
- The fraction represents the equal-sized part
- The whole number represents the number of equal-sized parts
- Discuss the concept of repeated addition and multiplication (it helps to review this with whole numbers first!)
- Discuss how to relate repeated addition of fractions and multiplication of whole numbers and fractions
- Identify the numbers in the equation and discuss what it means to multiply a whole number by a fraction
Using models and number lines as described above to help them make these connections. Helping our students relate the concept of fraction repeated addition and multiplying whole numbers by fractions can help students better understand this math concept.

Multiply a Fraction by a Whole Number Strategy #10: Word Problems
Another way is to help students solve word problems that involve multiplying a fraction by a whole number.
Solving word problems involving the multiplication of a fraction by a whole number using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem can help our math learners better understand the concept.
For example, students can solve word problems to multiply a fraction by a whole number and…
- Read the word problem a few times to become familiar with the story scenario
- Discuss the word problem and the math story being shared
- Highlight and converse about key information in the word problem
- Talk about what the word problem is asking us to find out
- Draw pictures and models to illustrate our math thinking of the word problem
- Discuss our math thinking and what the solution to the problem may be
As a result, our students can help show how multiplying fractions by whole numbers is applied to real-world scenarios.
Multiply a Fraction by a Whole Number

So there you have it! These 10 strategies can be used as a helpful way to teach how to multiply a fraction by a whole number.
Some of our students might understand using and applying one strategy more than another. And that’s okay! In conclusion, we can help our students practice using the different strategies to teach how to multiply fractions with whole numbers and our students can choose the best strategy for them.
So don’t feel nervous the next time you teach your students how to multiply fractions by whole numbers! To sum up, you can try some of these strategies to help your math learners better understand how to multiply fractions by whole numbers!
⭐️ So here is the link to multiply a fraction by a whole number worksheets! There are over 100 worksheets for multiplying fractions by whole numbers! Then your students can begin using the ten strategies to learn how to multiply a fraction by a whole number!
⭐️ Another blog post you may be interested in is about Student Engagement and Hands-on Math Manipulatives. Click here to learn more! You may also want to read more ways to make math fun and engaging!
⭐️ Lastly, to find more done for your math resources to help your students better understand fractions, visit my TpT store!
Thanks for reading! 💟 Karen Brown – The A Plus Teacher